CCTV Policy

Policy Purpose

The College's purposes of using the CCTV system are set out below and, having fully considered the privacy rights of individuals, the College believes these purposes are all in its legitimate interests. Data captured for the purposes below will not be used for any commercial purpose.

1. Objectives of the System

1.1 To protect pupils, staff, volunteers, visitors and members of the public with regard to their personal safety.
1.2 To protect the College buildings and equipment, and the personal property of pupils, staff, volunteers, visitors and members of the public.
1.3 To support the police and community in preventing and detecting crime, and assist in the identification and apprehension of offenders.
1.4 To monitor the security and integrity of the College site and deliveries and arrivals.

1.5 To monitor and uphold discipline among pupils in line with the School Rules, which are available to parents and pupils on request.

2. Positioning

Read more below: 

CCTV Policy

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