Ellesmere College Choral Society

Do you enjoy singing? Would you like to be part of an established choral society? Whatever your age or experience you are sure to feel welcome at Ellesmere College Choral Society.

Ellesmere College Choral Society is a choir of around 70 singers who enjoy performing a mixed repertoire from choral classics to popular music and was founded in 1889 by T.C. Whittle, Music Master.

We are conducted and directed by Tony Coupe.

Rehearsals are accompanied by Gerry Howe.

We are involved in fundraising through our concerts with charities that include:

· Age UK (North Shropshire Supporters Association)

· Hope House

· St Mary's Church, Ellesmere

· Poppy Appeal.

Being part of the choir means being part of something much bigger as we work in partnership with several ensembles including Ellesmere Sinfonia (our own community orchestra) and Porthwaen Silver Band.

We rehearse between 7.30pm and 9.00pm on Monday evenings in the Chapel at Ellesmere College.

This year, we are working on the Duruflé and Fauré Requiems for our concert on Saturday 14th March 2020.

For more details on our events or on how to become part of the Ellesmere College Choral Society, please contact the Director of Music - Tony Coupe: tony.coupe@ellesmere.com

For more information on our community orchestra please click here. https://ellesmeresinfonia.co.uk/