The 'Adlard Arts Scholarship' - September 2023

Art is an important part of life of Ellesmere College and we are welcoming applications from Year 11 students for the 'Adlard Art Scholarship 2023' who wish to study A-Level or IB Art at Ellesmere from September 2023. The Adlard Art Scholar will be based at the College 'Adlard Studio' and comes with a reduction of 50% in fees.

Art At Ellesmere

Art is an integral part of life at Ellesmere, so much so we have been recognised with an 'Artsmark Platinum Award' - the first independent school in the UK to be awarded this level of accreditation based on the breadth, performance and dedicated offering to students across the Arts provision, and externally to support community and educational projects within the regional schools network.

The Art facilities comprise of three art classrooms as well as the Sixth Form 'Adlard Studio'. There are two experienced full time art teachers and one professional artist who is a part time member of the department. There are no limits to what can be created at Ellesmere College and we welcome enthusiastic candidates with exciting and creative ideas.

Ellesmere celebrates the successes of our students, who have gone on to study at the top destinations like Central St Martins, Glasgow School of Art, New York School of Visual Arts, Chicago School of Visual Arts to name but a few.

The Adlard Arts Scholarship

Charlie Adlard, the artist behind the highly acclaimed 'The Walking Dead', has been a veteran of the comic industry for over 20 years. He's spent the majority of his time since 2004 working on The Walking Dead for which he has received many industry awards. In his time as a cartoonist he has worked on many other projects as far reaching as Mars Attacks, the X-Files, Judge Dredd, Savage, Batman, X-Men, Superman, etc, and creator-owned projects closer to his heart like Astronauts In Trouble, Codeflesh, Rock Bottom, and White Death.

Charlie was also the UK Comics Laureate 2017 - 2019, an ambassadorial and educational role for the comic genre aimed at raising awareness of the impact comics can have in terms of increasing literacy and creativity. The Comics Laureate appointment is made biennially to a distinguished comics creator, writer or artist in recognition of their outstanding achievement in the genre.

Charlie was also the featured artist at last years' Ellesmere College Art Exhibition where we showcased a number of original and unseen works.

Ellesmere College is honoured that Charlie has offered the 2 year 'Adlard Arts Scholarship' to the College to support and develop artists of the future.

Assessment, Interview and Portfolio requirements

Candidates will have an individual interview and will discuss their portfolio with the Head of Art. The portfolio should consist of a wide range of work that reflects the pupil's interest, ability and passion for the subject. The candidate should be prepared to discuss specific artists that interest them and exhibitions they have attended.


Successful candidates will be expected to spend time in the department over and above normal lesson time. They will take A-Level Art or the International Baccalaureate Diploma in Visual Arts, as well as taking a full part in the life of the Art department.

How to Apply

If you are interested in becoming the Ellesmere College 'Adlard Arts Scholar' which comes with a 50% reduction in fees please, submit details of your portfolio of work to the College for the attention of the Registrar on:

(NOTE: If your work includes pieces of sculpture, on-line media or 3D work, please submit photos and links in the first instance.)

On receipt of this, the information will be passed to the Head of Art, who will assess the application.

If the initial application is successful, you will be contacted by the Registrar to book an Art Assessment and Interview with the Head of Art.

The decision will be made by the Head of Art and the Headmaster.

For any general queries about the Arts Scholarship please contact the Head of Art:

For any general admissions queries, please contact the Registrar:

Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you to Ellesmere College.

Scholarship Information and Guidance


The Art Department

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