Year Round Rugby Development

ellesmere-college-rugby-line-outThe Ellesmere Rugby season is structured as follows:

  • September - December: 15 man rugby
  • January - April: Sevens Rugby
  • April - July: Individual development

Each term of rugby is focused on developing both team and individual goals. Academy training continues to run alongside each rugby term to ensure that maximum development takes place.

Rugby does not stop in the Summer term. This time is recognised as an ideal opportunity to develop core skill and physical areas of each player's game.

Those that attend the Rugby Academy are able to benefit from:

  • First class facilities
  • ellesmere-college-james-king-ospreys-wales-internationalHigh level coaching
  • Regular competitive rugby
  • Academic support
  • Regular structured training
  • Pathways to representative rugby
Rugby scholars can expect:

  • Year round rugby development
  • Regular fitness testing
  • Structured conditioning programmes
  • One to one reviews
  • Generic skill development
  • Positional skill development
  • Access to nutritional advice
  • Access to cross training sessions
  • Game Analysis work

Download a copy of the Rugby Player Development Guide

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