Year 7 pupils at Ellesmere College make a Pilgrimage to Hereford Cathedral.

Pupils enjoying the pilgrimage to Hereford Cathedral

Towards the end of the Summer Term Year 7 pupils made a pilgrimage to Hereford Cathedral with the School's Chaplain, Father David Slim and six members of the teaching staff.

As a Woodard Corporation School, Ellesmere College was invited to send representatives to connect with other schools within the group, to learn about the significance of the cathedral to Christian life as well as to witness and experience the Eucharist in an exciting way. A previous pilgrimage to Lichfield Cathedral by Confirmation Candidates had been so successful that it was decided to give more pupils the opportunity to enjoy the pilgrimage experience.

Father David commented, "Year 7 and their teachers enjoyed the Eucharist at Hereford which combined modern worship music, congregational participation and the 'smells and bells' of high church ritual as much as the smaller group had enjoyed it at Lichfield. The worship took the best of our Anglican traditions and used them in a modern setting and in doing so employed an ancient building for its primary purpose."

Other features of this pilgrimage included a picnic in the Cathedral Close, an opportunity to speak with stone masons who were working on the building and the opportunity to follow 'The Gargoyle Trail' around the exterior walls. It was a long journey to and from Hereford and a very full day for pupils and teachers but everyone agreed that this pilgrimage had been an interesting and unexpectedly different kind of religious educational experience.

8th October 2009  Back to News