Welsh Firebreak Restrictions and Information to Parents

Information for parents based in Wales during the Welsh period of restrictions (Coronavirus firebreak) with effect from October 23rd at 6pm.

Q: I live in Wales but travel daily to England to attend school, college or university. Can I still go there?

Yes. If you attend school, college or university in England, which is not covered by the firebreak, it is a reasonable excuse to travel there and will be allowed during the firebreak period, if you are unable to access your education online for this period.

This also applies to staff who travel to England to teach at schools, colleges or universities there and who are not able to work from home during the firebreak. However, you will need to be mindful of any restrictions in place in the area you are travelling to in England.

Further information relating to all aspects of the guidance can be found here:


October 23 2020 

23rd October 2020  Back to News