Students at Ellesmere were treated to a slice of Bollywood with a talk from an up and coming costume and set designer. Celestine Healey, who has worked on movies such as Mangoes Are Forever and the Olympic Games alongside Academy Award-winning British film director Danny Boyle, attended the school to work with GCSE and A-level drama and media studies students.
The talks were set up as part of a new initiative to create a breadth of professional input and real life experiences for students to learn from. Celestine, who has also worked on theatre productions such as Much Ado About Nothing and Richard III, gave talks to students about the technical processes with set design, the journey of costumes throughout a production, and how to deal with issues and rights relating to branding.
Celestine said "It was fun to meet the students and to see how much enthusiasm and drive for the arts they have. It's so important in this industry to realise early on the work that's required and the importance of building relationships. Hopefully my insights have provided enough food for thought."
Arts Centre Manager, Rob Harm, highlighted the feel-good factor created by Celestine's visit. He said: "These talks set our department buzzing and inspired us to think about a few things. Students got to ask a number of questions and her insights really did open your mind to the possibilities in theatre and film."
17th March 2014 Back to News