Student Delegation Shines at Model United Nations (MUN) Conference

A delegation of eleven Sixth Form and Middle School students from Ellesmere College recently participated in the inaugural Model United Nations conference held at Stonyhurst, Lancashire.

Fleur Willson, Consul-General Spain and Consular Regional Director (Europe South) at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office delivered the keynote speech and championed diplomacy and conflict resolution skills and warmly encouraged her audience to consider careers in the Civil Service.

She went on to describe the theme and spirit of the MUN 2023 Conference: "In today's world, amidst global uncertainty, it is more important than ever for the future generation of problem solvers to step forward. The Stonyhurst MUN conference aims to provide stimulating conversation, profound debate and relevant dialogue, all aimed at creating a better world. We are a diverse student body of all backgrounds and nations representing countries from around the globe. We will be coming together to discuss, problem solve, and propose action towards a more inclusive and tolerant future for all.

The main objective of the Stonyhurst MUN conference is to simulate the United Nations in a way that will allow students to discuss and think critically about world issues, raise awareness about imminent world issues and sharpen their debating skills in a friendly and inviting environment. Our aim is to provide every delegate with the opportunity to experience the world of politics and their complex yet riveting issues." 

"At Model UN, you broaden your horizons. By learning and networking, you can be part of the UN's efforts to establish peace, secure human rights and enable all people to live in dignity".

Secretary-General António Guterres

Our students, who represented Iran and Japan in several committees, then joined delegates from eight other leading UK schools to debate a range of pertinent issues related to sustainability. Among the many highlights of the day, our youngest delegate Barney Smith was considered 'best delegate for elocution and diction' in his committee. Meanwhile, Sixth Form delegates Bennet Schumann and Oksana Trefanenko secured 'highly commended' accolades as delegates for Iran in the Health and Ethics committees.


The event is one in a line of Model United Nations day trips planned as enrichment opportunities by the Enrichment Coordinator and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) department to benefit students with an interest in global and cultural affairs. 

For more visit:  Ellesmere College Academic Enrichment


26th January 2023  Back to News