For their Drama A Level, the students have studied a form of drama called Reminiscence Theatre. Created by Pam Schweitzer in the 1970s, it involves collecting memories from the elderly then devising and incorporating them in to a play to perform back to them. This type of drama has many positive outcomes. It creates a sense of community where young and old can work harmoniously together, and makes sure memories of special events in history are remembered.
The theme of the play was World War Two, and the stimulus was conversations with residents at Age Concern in Ellesmere, who provided us with the events and memories for which the play and characters within it were based. The play focuses on the people left behind at home, their day-to-day lives and the emotional effect the war had on them.
Head of Drama, Richard Boswell added, We would like to thank everyone at Age Concern for kindly giving up their time and for so openly sharing their memories with us. This play is dedicated to everyone alive during the war, whether fighting or at home, for their courage and sacrifice.
The Drama department and School would like to convey their thanks to Radio Shropshire for covering this event and broadcasting interviews with members of the audience.
15th November 2010 Back to News