Science is Fun

Dr Tom Gareh

One hundred local school children and their teachers visited Ellesmere College for a day of scientific discovery last week.

The children took part in practical workshops in the Biology and Chemistry laboratories and let off rockets to see which went the furthest during the morning. Ellesmere College pupils escorted the visitors to the Dining Hall for lunch and this was followed by a chance to take part in activities in the Sports Hall.

The pupils were then treated to an entertaining lecture by Dr Tom Gareh, Head of Science at Ellesmere College, based on energy changes in solids, liquids and gases; demonstrations of some of the more exciting chemistry experiments that can be performed in public. Plenty of flames and loud explosions were on display and everyone had fun.

The day concluded with Deputy Head, Vicky Pritt-Roberts presenting two science books to a representative of each school for their library.


27th January 2009  Back to News