With record numbers joining Ellesmere College this year the new Head Boy and Girl at Ellesmere College will be busy supporting the Headmaster and staff in ensuring that every pupil feels welcome and settled in their new environment.
Kim Salzgeber from Germany and Alex Deller from Cleobury Mortimer have taken the roles this year as Ellesmere's Head Girl and Head Boy. These appointments are particularly challenging since there are now 585 pupils at the School, ranging from 8 to 18 years.
Kim joined the School a year ago and is studying the International Baccalaureate, Alex joined in Year 9 and is studying A Levels. Both of them have experienced and enjoyed many of the opportunities which have been on offer during their time at Ellesmere College.
Whilst studying and keeping focused on their goals to gain places at the University of their choice, along with their group of supporting prefects, Kim and Alex will have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and learn to conduct meetings with their peers as well teachers.
As well as to help younger pupils to integrate smoothly into the school's community, with a number of new pupils into the Sixth Form studying the new International Baccalaureate syllabus, one of Kim and Alex's more significant tasks over the coming weeks will be to ensure that they are approachable by pupils of all ages. Kim added 'both Alex and I have been very happy at Ellesmere and over the coming year I feel it is an important part of our role to help ensure that others younger and new to the School feel the same.'
At the forthcoming Lower School Opening Morning on Saturday 13th October, between 10.00am and 1.00pm, Kim and Alex will be leading the group of School's prefects as they guide families around the School.
12th September 2007 Back to News