Chinese New Year Celebrations - Year of the Dog 

Ellesmere College has been celebrating Chinese New Year and learning about the Year of the Dog this week after pupils created a colourful dragon under the watchful eye of a visiting Chinese teacher.

Peter Wei from the Fugian Provence in the South East of China is currently spending a year at the College. He has spent the last few weeks coaching Lower School pupils from Year 7 how to present the dragon to the rest of the School. This week in the Senior and Lower School assemblies the Dragon has been paraded to the traditional Chinese beat of a drum.

Peter Wei commented: I have been delighted to see how enthusiastically the group of pupils have embraced the festivities from a different culture. The creation of the dragon, the learning of the drum beat and actual performances  were all new experiences for the group who were also keen to learn the background of the ceremony.

The Ellesmere College catering staff also contributed to the focus on China during the week with the serving of an array of Chinese food.

27th January 2006  Back to News