With children back in the swing of school life, they are now looking forward to their next holiday in October and plans are being made at Ellesmere College to host its Multi-Activities Week again after the success of the summer course.
Multi-Activities Week is filled with fun activities for children aged 8 to 14 to enjoy. Experienced leaders will again be giving children the opportunity to play numerous sports using both the School's Sports Hall and playing fields, whilst also swimming and playing games in the indoor pool. There are plans to incorporate more arts and crafts activities as well as offering the children the opportunity to do some acting in the School's Arts Centre. The Multi-Activities course will run from Monday 27th to Friday 31st October between 10am to 4pm and costs £80 per child.
Sports Centre Manager and Multi-Activities' course organiser Chris Rogers commented, 'The Ellesmere College summer activities' courses programme was well supported. We received a lot of positive feedback and following on from the success of the Multi-Activities Course, we are now looking at developing the course to involve even more varied activities. Ellesmere College has a lot of excellent facilities which the children on the course will have the opportunity to use during the week.'
3rd October 2008 Back to News