Parents' Society Present Cheque to Macmillan Cancer Relief

Shropshire Fundraising Manager, Claire Nester, recently visited Ellesmere College to meet with the Parents Society Committee and was presented with a cheque for 550 by Chairperson, Sue Dewhirst.

As part of the Macmillan Cancer Relief national fundraising day in September, whilst pupils and staff at Ellesmere College participated in a fundraising Non-Uniform Day, the Parents Society organised a successful Coffee Morning attracting over 50 parents.

Whilst at the School, a further cheque for 661 from the proceeds of the pupils Non-Uniform Day was presented to Claire by the one of the Schools Prefects, Joshua Boswell.

Commenting on the successful Coffee Morning, Sue Dewhirst said. We were delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to the charitys local fundraising efforts, whilst welcoming new parents into the extended Ellesmerian community.

21st November 2009  Back to News