Ellesmere College Year 7 Pupils Create Model Competition

Ellesmere College Year 7 Pupils Create Model Competition

Whilst concerns are being expressed by the National Geographical Society, the Geographical Association and reports appearing in the national media that too few students are studying Geography to GCSE, A Level and beyond, at Ellesmere the subject continues to thrive. Fifty percent of the sixth form are studying Geography A Level or as part of their International Baccalaureate Diploma and throughout the school there is much enthusiasm for the subject.

In this term's Year 7 Geography lessons, the 11-12 year old pupils have been eagerly learning and practising their mapping skills using atlases and Ordnance Survey maps. A competition was recently launched to build a contour model to scale from a flat plan and prizes were awarded for the best entries.

The entries were judged for accuracy and best presentation and this year were of an exceedingly high standard. Mr Williams, a teacher from the Design Technology department, judged the entries and commented that he had found making a decision extremely difficult.

The winners for accuracy in their models were: Olivia Jones, Robert Nolan, Harriet Jones and Harry Whitehouse.

The winners for best presentation were: Jack Hayes, Peter von Hoven, Ronnie Clewlow and James Slater.

Helen Scarisbrick, Head of Geography, commented: 'Building models is one way of bringing this exciting subject to life. This year the standard was very high and all the pupils will now appreciate that a flat map only gives an indication of what is really out there.'




14th February 2008  Back to News