Whilst concerns are being expressed by the National Geographical Society, the Geographical Association and reports appearing in the national media that too few students are studying Geography to GCSE, A Level and beyond, at Ellesmere the subject continues to thrive. Fifty percent of the sixth form are studying Geography A Level or as part of their International Baccalaureate Diploma and throughout the school there is much enthusiasm for the subject.
In this term's Year 7 Geography lessons, the 11-12 year old pupils have been eagerly learning and practising their mapping skills using atlases and Ordnance Survey maps. A competition was recently launched to build a contour model to scale from a flat plan and prizes were awarded for the best entries.
The entries were judged for accuracy and best presentation and this year were of an exceedingly high standard. Mr Williams, a teacher from the Design Technology department, judged the entries and commented that he had found making a decision extremely difficult.
The winners for accuracy in their models were: Olivia Jones, Robert Nolan, Harriet Jones and Harry Whitehouse.
The winners for best presentation were: Jack Hayes, Peter von Hoven, Ronnie Clewlow and James Slater.
Helen Scarisbrick, Head of Geography, commented: 'Building models is one way of bringing this exciting subject to life. This year the standard was very high and all the pupils will now appreciate that a flat map only gives an indication of what is really out there.'
14th February 2008 Back to News