The Ellesmere College cast Jane played by Charlotte Boffey & Edward Rochester played by Ben Lingard-Lane
Following the success of their play adaptation of Charlotte Bronte's novel Jane Eyre at the School's Arts Centre at the end of last term and an exciting USA tour which followed, Year 11 and 12 students from Ellesmere College recently travelled to West Yorkshire to the Bronte Parsonage in Haworth for a final day of performances.
At the invitation of the Bronte Society, scenes from the play were staged in the Parsonage front garden on a surprisingly warm and sunny Easter Monday to large and appreciative audiences throughout the day. The play's director, Margaret Hutchings, who also teaches English and Media Studies, commented, 'It was an exciting experience for the pupils to bring their production of this much-loved book back to the author's own home and share it with visitors from as far away as Japan and Canada . The whole experience of touring a play from Ellesmere to Boston and back again to Yorkshire has really taken the cast's drama skills and confidence to a new level as well as broadening their cultural horizons.'
29th April 2009 Back to News