Ellesmere College Lower School Harvest Festival

Pictured in Chapel are Sharon Owen, Head of Lower School, Shan Morgan, Deputy Head of Lower School and Lower School pupils.

The Ellesmere College Chapel is looking particularly beautiful this week as the School holds its annual Harvest Festival services for both Senior and Lower School. The Chaplain, Father David Slim, addressed the Lower School  congregation this morning, amidst a riot of colourful produce and flowers, reminding staff and students of the need to be thankful. He also encouraged them to show their gratitude to God for his goodness to them by "making a change with their change". As well as distributing Harvest Gifts to local charities Ellesmere College is supporting the charity, Water Aid by filling a bucket with copper coins which Water Aid will use to fund wells in deprived areas of the world.

Mrs Sharon Owen, Head of Lower School, commented 'The Lower School service this morning gave all the pupils a real appreciation of how many people work to provide us with the food we need and how fortunate we were compared to people in other countries around the world.' 

The donated produce, included sculpted bread from Vermeulens in Ellesmere, will be distributed to local charities over the next few days and Water Aid will receive a donation as soon as the bucket is full of coins.

The next service, to which families of pupils, former pupils and staff will be invited will be the Ellesmere College Remembrance Eucharist Service on Sunday,

8th November at 10.00 am.

8th October 2009  Back to News