Ellesmere College Launches Its Own Weather Station

Pupils Frederick  Herzog, Head Boy and Jonathan Pescod in front of weather station monitor

Sited on the roof of the Library at Ellesmere College is a solar-powered weather station, the latest exciting addition to the School's resources.

Instigated and coordinated by the Head of Geography, Helen Scarisbrick and involving the support of the IT Team, the recently installed School's new weather station receives data and sends it to screens in Lower School and the Geography Department for Senior School pupils to access.

The data is on the School's intranet and is updated every 5 minutes. It is also intended to link the School's website to the weather station, which records temperature, wind chill, rainfall, humidity, wind speed and direction, as well as pressure.

'Helen Scarisbrick commented, 'This is an exciting addition to the School's resources. It means that secondary data can be stored over the years so that future pupils can compare the climate then and now.'

14th September 2009  Back to News