Ellesmere College is currently on target to complete an extension to the Sixth Form leisure facilities with the opening of a conservatory at the start of next term.
Sixth Form life at Ellesmere College continues to develop with the building of a new conservatory on to the existing communal facilities. As well as having recreational rooms in all boarding Houses, the existing central Sixth Form area is an important focus for Sixth Form life. It currently offers pupils studying for A Levels or the International Baccalaureate dedicated computer rooms, a coffee bar with pool table, meeting rooms and a careers' room, situated close to the main library Sixth Form students have a part of the School that serves their particular needs.
As Head of Sixth Form Mr Philip Wood remarked, 'We are very aware of the need to provide a transition towards further education, and the facilities at Ellesmere College do just that as well as being further developed to cater for the increased number of Sixth Form students.'
5th January 2007 Back to News