Cambridge University place is music to Amber’s ears

An Ellesmere College student has won a place at Cambridge University to pursue her dream of a life in music.

Amber Coxill, 18, is 'over the moon' about going to Cambridge but says it was only made possible by the generosity of a scholarship at Ellesmere College and the opportunities available to her there.

She is the fourth student to have benefitted from the Mullock Arts Scholarship - one of a number of scholarships and bursaries available at Ellesmere College which are helping students achieve outstanding results.

Amber's dream of an Oxbridge place was briefly put on hold, however, after the recent A Level controversy saw her results marked down and her Cambridge place rejected - a situation which was resolved but after an anxious wait.

"I'm so happy to be going to Cambridge, it's been my dream for a long time. I went down there for a trip when I was in Year 10 and ever since I've been desperate to go - I'm over the moon," she said.

"There was a worry over my A Levels but I finally got the correct CAG grades and was accepted into Homerton College - it was a horrible time but I'm glad it all got sorted out.

"The scholarship was amazing. I would not have been able to do it all without funding from David and Robyn Mullock, paying my school fees and instrumental lessons, and I am sure the opportunities I have had at Ellesmere College would not have been available to me anywhere else."

Amber said the scholarship came about after she was invited to Ellesmere College to play the French Horn at a silent film night.

"I met Mr Coupe, the college's Director of Music, and then when he was looking for people for the scholarship a couple of years later he asked me. I did the audition and got offered the scholarship," she added. "One of the terms of my scholarship was to be involved in a number of extra-curricular activities like the Chapel Choir and Chamber Choir. I also got to conduct the school orchestra, another amazing experience, and I've been involved in choir competitions, tours and performances all over the place - it's been such a fun experience. Just having the opportunity to go to a school like Ellesmere with all they have to offer is wonderful and the scholarship opportunities are really something I would encourage many pupils and families to consider. Mr Coupe is such an incredible teacher and conductor, he's taught me so much - not just in the lessons but also about being a musician and not just studying music. I just want to be involved in music, I love it so much and am so happy to do a degree in it - then hopefully take it up as a career."

Tony Coupe, Director of Music at Ellesmere College, said: "I am delighted to see Amber heading off to Cambridge with a choral scholarship to study music. She embraced the many opportunities available during her time in the Sixth Form at Ellesmere and was able to pursue her love of film music and composition. Amber has a bright future ahead of her and I am sure it won't be long before we will hear her music on a visit to the cinema."

David and Robyn Mullock said: "We're so very proud of Amber and all of the hard work she put into her studies at Ellesmere alongside the extra-curricular activities that she was involved in. She made the most of every opportunity presented to her and we are utterly delighted that she has gained a place to read Music at Homerton College - University of Cambridge."


For more information please visit: Scholarships at Ellesmere College



14th September 2020  Back to News