A Winning Partnership: WAoS Reaccreditation for Ellesmere College

Ellesmere College is proud to announce its reaccreditation as an Athlete Friendly Education Centre (AFEC) by the World Academy of Sport (WAoS) in recognition of the way it helps student-athletes balance sport and education.

The College, which has an enviable world class sporting pedigree, is one of only a limited number of schools to be awarded the accreditation globally.

The announcement was made by the International Baccalaureate (IB) and means the College can not only offer the two year IB Diploma but also an extended three-year diploma for those elite athlete students who want to follow an athletics pathway alongside their studies.

The WAoS is committed to helping athletes on their journey by working with those individuals in their education provision to understand the unique needs which must be balanced in such circumstances.

Dr. Tom Gareh, Head of Sixth Form at the College, said the reaccreditation was excellent news for the College in its ongoing commitment to ensure athletes have the best possible help and support in furthering their sporting careers while advancing their educational needs.

"We are very proud to be an 'athlete friendly' school and of our sporting record which continues to be among the very best - something which has once again been recognised through this reaccreditation from such an esteemed body," he said.

"The list of Ellesmere College athletes who are making an impression at the highest level of their chosen sport is amazing and a tribute to the high standards our school, students, former students and coaches continually strive for.

"The principles and vision of the WAoS dovetails well with the school's holistic approach to educating and nurturing all our students. We make it easier to complete classes without affecting often intense training and competing schedules by offering flexibility to support academic achievement.

"This recognition will allow us to maintain our commitment to student-athletes now and in the future - it can only benefit those involved in the scheme and the community in general."

For more information visit: Ellesmere College IB


4th November 2020  Back to News