Ellesmere College pupils celebrate an excellent set of GCSE results published today. Over a third of all grades are the top grades of A*/A with over 55% of grades in the A*/A and B range. There were some particularly notable performances that are worthy of specific mention in their A star and A grade achievement
Beatrice Roberts amassed an impressive ten A* grades and an A grade in Additional Mathematics. Emily Roberts (Wrexham) achieved eight A* grades and two A grades. Harry Williams (Ellesmere) secured 4A* grades and 5 A grades and Distinction in his ICT National award, Max Assmann only joined the College in September 2012 from Germany and in just a year achieved 5A* and 2A grades. Joe Hughes (Ellesmere) gained 4A* grades and 5 A's with a B in Additional Maths. Hannah Miles (Overton) secured 5 A* grades, 4 A's and an AS level in Religious Studies. Georgie Thurston also secured all A grades with three at A*, and was successful at achieving an A at AS level in RS.
Many pupils achieved a high number of top grades and are now looking forward to joining Ellesmere College Sixth Form where they will embark on either A levels or the International Baccalaureate in September.
Pupils in year 9 and 10 have also completed some early GCSE's in science, a range of languages and Religious Studies with excellent results. One year 10 pupil, Sebastian McCarthy, completed his GCSE RS last year and went on to successfully complete an AS in the subject this summer.
Mr Brendan Wignall, Headmaster, said "It is a testament to our pupils that they can combine achieving an excellent academic record along with maintaining their valued contribution to the musical, dramatic and sporting life of the College. It is always a delight to receive such a well deserved, good set of results. On completing their GCSEs today it is clear that our pupils have set down an excellent foundation on which to build their Sixth Form career. The results today are a credit to them, to their teachers and, of course, to their parents."
22nd August 2013 Back to News