3 Choirs Concert at Ellesmere College

3 Choirs Concert at Ellesmere College






Following many rehearsals since the beginning of the year, the Ellesmere College Choral Society Choir joined the Senior and Lower School Choirs at the School to perform a concert altogether in Big School.

The evening of song included selections from ‘Phantom of the Opera’ and ‘Five Mystical Songs’ by Vaughan-Williams. The Choirs were also be joined by Gaenor Ellis, the School’s Singing Teacher and her husband who perform as the duet, ‘Mr and Mrs Smith’. They sang songs from the two well-known musicals, Grease and Joseph.  Ed Wadon, the current Music Gap Student and Cello Teacher performed variations for cello and piano originally composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

The Lower School Choir was conducted by Miss Bethan Jones, Assistant Music Teacher, and besides a Zulu traditional piece called ‘Si njay njay njay njay’ they sang ‘You Raise Me Up’ by Josh Grogan.  

The Senior Choir sang pieces by John Rutter and also two negro spirituals arranged by Roger Paul, Ellesmere’s Director of Music. Mr Paul also conducted the Senior and Choral Society Choirs. He commented, ‘All three choirs have enthusiastic members and they rehearsed long and hard to perfect their performances. They certainly excelled themselves performing to an audience on Saturday.’

The evening ended with the Grand Finale with all the performers singing songs of the Beach Boys and

28th March 2008  Back to News