Focus on Developing Boarding Facilities at Ellesmere College.

Focus on Developing Boarding Facilities at Ellesmere College

Ellesmere College offers boarding options for pupils aged 10 to 18 continues to develop its accommodation facilities.


After completing extensive refurbishing of the boarding accommodation which in recent months has included the provision of en-suite facilities for pupils, Ellesmere College now finds that it does not have enough capacity to fulfil its boarding needs! Extensions to both the boys and the girls Sixth Form boarding houses are being planned for 2007 to keep up with the growing demand.


Nationally boarding may be in decline but at Ellesmere it continues to be extremely popular. One of the reasons for this is the flexible approach to boarding at Ellesmere where both weekly and full boarding is offered to ensure pupils can 'mix and match' whilst retaining and enjoying a good healthy home life.


Colin Cawcutt, the Housemaster for St. John's, the newly created coeducational boarding house for pupils aged between 10 and 12 years commented, 'Many relatively local pupils choose to board to take advantage of the numerous after-school activities as well as saving on travel time and having a dedicated period each night to complete school assignments. The pastoral staff is dedicated to ensuring the boarding experience at Ellesmere is an enjoyable one.'


5th January 2007  Back to News