Mr Richard Hartley was at Ellesmere College on Thursday 22nd June 2006 to award the R Blake Hartley Memorial Trophy to the senior cadet who had contributed the most to the College Combined Cadet Force during his time at the school. Mrs Sally Perrin, Blake's mother and Mrs Sue Hartley also attended the ceremony. This was the first time the Trophy has been awarded since the tragic disappearance of Blake near Chamonix in August 2004 whilst leading a group of Sandhurst Cadets.
The winner of the Trophy was Cadet Under Officer Christian Green, who also won the trophy for Best Army Cadet 2006. Jed Denham won the cup for Best Navy Cadet and Rose Pescod Best RAF Cadet. Mason Gascoigne won the Bosun's Whilst Award for the Navy Section.
Mr Richard Hartley was at Ellesmere College on Thursday 22nd June 2006 to award the R Blake Hartley Memorial Trophy to the senior cadet who had contributed the most to the College Combined Cadet Force during his time at the school. Mrs Sally Perrin, Blake's mother and Mrs Sue Hartley also attended the ceremony. This was the first time the Trophy has been awarded since the tragic disappearance of Blake near Chamonix in August 2004 whilst leading a group of Sandhurst Cadets.
The winner of the Trophy was Cadet Under Officer Christian Green, who also won the trophy for Best Army Cadet 2006. Jed Denham won the cup for Best Navy Cadet and Rose Pescod Best RAF Cadet. Mason Gascoigne won the Bosun's Whilst Award for the Navy Section.
22nd June 2006 Back to News