Film Night Premieres at Ellesmere College
A group of students, who throughout the year have developed skills as film-makers, have put together a 1 hour showcase for their projects.
Sixteen short films were shown using the cinema screen at Ellesmere College's Arts Centre on Tuesday 23rd May at 7.30pm. Topics ranging from comedy, politics, spy thriller and natural history left the audience astounded.
The "Media Action" group, as part of Ellesmere's activities program and under the guidance of Mrs. Zo Fisher (Media) and Mrs. Siobhan Philips (Art), meets once a week. Zoe Fisher commented "The pupils have met with professional film makers and have already attracted some attention from local BBC television with their short films. This activity has only been running for one year, which makes the end results all the more astonishing."
It is planned for film-making to be developed at Ellesmere and that a local schools film festival may be held in the Arts Centre for summer 2008.
May 23, 2006
23rd May 2006 Back to News