A visit this morning was made by a North Shropshire School Choir to their local Age Concern Day Centre.
Bethan Jones, a Music Teacher at Ellesmere College took a group of enthusiastic Lower School Pupils to Ellesmere Town Hall this morning to present a medley of Christmas songs and carols to the Age Concern Day Centre participants. The Lower School Choir of 25 pupils from Years 4 to 8, sang their hearts out to an appreciative audience who joined in with the youngsters to sing a variety of Christmas Carols.
The concert was roundedoff by the serving of refreshments to all and giving the opportunity for conversation between both groups. Bethan Jones commented: This is now the third year we have been invited to perform our Christmas Concert to the older people at the Age Concern Day Centre. The pupils practice hard and look forward to the visit. Hearing everyone singing along together is very rewarding.
1st December 2005 Back to News