Rugby Results - 12th November - Ellesmere College 59 Wrekin 7 

After a wet and windy week playing conditions were perfect for the match against long standing rivals, Wrekin College.  From the kick off we attacked and moved the ball through the forwards and backs.  Eventually the pressure resulted in Danny Matthews breaking through from scrum half to score.

For the next twenty minutes the pressure continued and a steady stream of scores results.  Both wingers made the most of the opportunities with Steve Bannister scoring 2 tries and Dafydd Roberts in his debut game scored three.

The forwards took the ball to the opposition well and set up clean fast ball that gave the backs chance to run straight and directly.  The back line really clicked into gear and scores resulted for Ashley James, Jake Asplin and also Dan Thomas once he had switched to centre.

A very efficient display that saw some excellent running lines and presentation from both backs and forwards alike.




Bannister 2

Roberts 3


James A



James A 7

24th November 2005  Back to News