New Director of Music

A music teacher has returned to the county to become the new Musical Director of a North Shropshire school as well as Musical Director of a local choral society and he is keen to recruit more community members for the choir.


Roger Pauls initial association with Ellesmere College began in 1988 when he was a peripatetic percussion and organ music teacher. Then in 1995, he traveled across the border to Staffordshire to be the Assistant Director of Music at Abbots Bromley School for Girls. Whilst there he became the Musical Director of Stone Choral Society. He succeeded in growing the size of the choir and conducted a number of memorable performances at both home and abroad.  He has returned to Ellesmere College this term to be the Schools new Musical Director.      


He commented With a group of enthusiastic music teachers, the School offers a wide variety of excellent tuition in both instruments and voices. I am looking forward to developing the already existing musical talent in the school. I am also looking forward to being Musical Director of the Ellesmere College Choral Society which has existed for many years at the School and has had an annual concert in the Chapel. My vision is to create a larger successful choir made up of members of the College community, local people from around Ellesmere and the wider community of North Shropshire. I am particularly keen to develop the involvement of local community members in the Choral Society. The next public performance will be in March 2006 and I have chosen Samson by Handel for the Choral Society to perform and it would be great to have as many local singers involved as possible.


The Ellesmere College Choral Society rehearsal sessions are on Mondays between 7.30 and 9pm. at the Art Centre on the Schools campus. The forty regular singers are always delighted to welcome new members. Sheila Lowry, Secretary to the Choral Society said I would be delighted to hear from people, old or young who would like to join the Choral Society. We are a lively group of people who also take the opportunity to have a chat and a cup of coffee each Monday after rehearsing. Sheila Lowry can be contacted on 01691 622944.  

20th September 2005  Back to News