Climbing 4,566 metres to the summit of Mount Meru, helping to renovate a school, going on a safari and a trip to Zanzibar are just some of the activities a group of Ellesmere College pupils will be experiencing when they travel to Tanzania during the Summer holidays.
As part of their ongoing preparation of this month long World Challenge Expedition, the group will be training in Buxton, Derbyshire next month alongside a group of other Sixth Form pupils from a school in Scarborough. Then, during the Easter holidays, they will be travelling to Scotland to gain additional climbing experience on Ben Nevis.
The Ellesmere College teacher in charge of the pupils' participation in the World Challenge Expedition and associated training as well as accompanying the group to Tanzania is Debbie Joynson-Brookes. She commented "the World Challenge Expedition gives each participant the opportunity to fend for themselves in an unknown country. During the month long stay in Tanzania they will be managing the group's budgets, whilst organising the necessary transport, accommodation and food all in challenging unfamiliar circumstances. The trip will certainly be character-building as well as one that will develop their sense of independence. My role will be to act only as the custodian to the group.'
One of the five pupils, Elizabeth Swinnerton, will be experiencing life in an African country for the first time. She explained, "I am particularly motivated by this trip since in assisting in the renovation of the school in Moshi, we will be contributing to the lives of local children as well as sharing our knowledge of English with them.' The other pupils who will be joining Elizabeth are Abigail Merrin, Owen Edwards, Iain Disspain and Niall Crispin.
The World Challenge Expedition is just one of the activities during the summer holidays which Ellesmere College pupils will be involved in. Other pupils will be involved in Combined Cadet Force expeditions around the UK and the fifteen pupils working towards their gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards will be travelling to the Dordogne in France to canoe down the River Alliers.
25th February 2005 Back to News