On Friday 23rd April 2004, the Ellesmere College Parents' Society presented a cheque for £500 to the County Air Ambulance Charity. Following an active and social year the Parents' Society had unanticipated windfall funds and the 2003 Committee, under the Chair of Judith Williams they decided to donate the money to this worthwhile local charity.
Judith Williams commented "The aim of the Ellesmere College Parents Society is to provide a social and supportive platform for parents. As new pupils begin their education at the College, their parents have the opportunity to socialise with existing parents. An annual Parents' Ball is organised at the beginning of the academic year and a Picnic in the Ellesmere College grounds during the summer term. Other activities also involving the local community include an annual art exhibition, wine tastings and floral workshops. It is a non-profit-making organisation, however in the event of an excess being made, the Society sae delighted to be in the position to make such a charitable donation. We are very happy on this occasion to be able to make this presentation of £500 to Mr. Neville from County Air Ambulance.'
3rd May 2004 Back to News