New Sports and Performing Arts Scholarships.
New Scholarships in Sports and Performing Arts. Ellesmere College has always placed great emphasis on providing an all-round education and in order to recognise this two new scholarships have recently been introduced and will be available for pupils starting in September 2003.
Sports scholarships will now be available for pupils entering the school at 13 years old and those entering the sixth form at 16. Although the College has a longstanding successful tradition in team sports such as Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Tennis and Netball there is also scope for scholarships in the more individual sports such as sailing, shooting and golf. Ellesmere has some excellent sporting facilities set in 70 acres of unspoilt Shropshire countryside. These include two sports halls, a nine hole golf course, two shooting ranges and access to nearby sailing facilities. These will allow the sporting stars of the future to develop their talents in safe and welcoming surroundings.
The second new area for Scholarship Awards is Performing Arts. These scholarships will be available alongside the Music Scholarships and Exhibitions already available and will be awarded for excellence in the areas of Drama and/or Dance. The college is very fortunate to have its own Arts Centre with 220 seat auditorium.
This provides a regular venue for touring professional companies as well as its use for the wide range of successful dramatic and musical events performed by College pupils. The College has a wide range of performing Arts courses and has recently toured America with its production of Twelfth Night. The Arts Centre also plays host to ACE the recently started Arts in the Community project.
Parents interested in finding out more details about these new scholarships or any of the existing academic and subject specific scholarships should contact the Headmaster's Secretary on 01691 622321. The date for scholarships exams , auditions and tests has now been fixed as February the 1st for 11+ entry and February 8th for 13+ and 16+ awards but early application is however recommended.
6th January 2003 Back to News