Ellesmere College: COVID-19

Updated COVID Whole School Risk Assessment

Our updated COVID Whole School Risk Assessment (updated 7 January 2022) can be accessed here: COVID Whole School Risk Assessment

Updated COVID Whole School Risk Assessment

Our updated COVID Whole School Risk Assessment (updated 13 October 2021) can be accessed here: COVID Whole School Risk Assessment

Updated COVID Whole School Risk Assessment

Our updated COVID Whole School Risk Assessment (updated 7 June 2021) can be accessed here:  COVID Whole School Risk Assessment

Updated COVID Whole School Risk Assessment

Our updated COVID Whole School Risk Assessment (updated 17 May 2021) can be accessed here:  COVID Whole School Risk Assessment

COVID Whole School Risk Assessment

Our updated COVID Whole School Risk Assessment (updated 15 April 2021) can be accessed here:  COVID Whole School Risk Assessment

Ellesmere College Remote Education Statement

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.

- Our updated COVID Whole School Risk Assessment (published December 21 2020) can be accessed here: COVID Whole School Risk Assessment

We use Microsoft Teams to deliver our lessons and our pastoral care online.

All pupils have an Ellesmere Microsoft account and email

All pupils have access to MS Teams via their Ellesmere network login and to our Virtual Learning Environment called Frog

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we would if pupils were in school and follow the same times for the start of each academic lesson.  However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects.

For example; PE is not scheduled at the usual timetabled time. Pupils are expected to participate in fitness activities on their normal games afternoon and make use of the activities and exercises we have provided on the Health & Wellbeing page they can log into on their Frog landing page.  Subjects with practical elements: Art, Drama, Design, and Science have been adapted so practical elements can be either done at home or experience through video lessons.

The method of teaching online is a combination of the following

· live teaching online lessons

· recorded teaching made by teachers for pupils to watch

· workbooks and worksheets provided either via our VLE Frog or emailed

· textbooks and reading books pupils have at home

· specialist software that we use such as MyMaths, Kerboodle, Clickview, GCSEPod, and a range of video clips.

Where a pupil is outside the UK and there is a significant time difference (more than four hours) the tutor will discuss the times of lessons that can be accessed on line and liaise with teachers for those that cannot be attended. Work will be accessible on our VLE Frog and is to be uploaded or emailed as per the teacher's instruction.  Help for those lessons will be provided by email. Where the time difference is less than four hours pupils should attend most of their lessons following UK time.

Where a pupil has no device to use or where they have constant internet connection issues parents are to contact the school, ideally via their child's tutor. The tutor will discuss with senior management to agree an appropriate response to enable learning to continue.

Assessment and marking is done electronically by use of the feedback facility in Frog, various subject software uses and via email.  Pupils will receive weekly feedback on the work they have completed. 

Our half termly assessment week continues and period grades will continue to be issued each half term to indicate achievement for that period of learning.  

Parent's meetings have moved to online and parents are informed, by letter, in advance of the meeting about the date and time and sent an attachment with guidance on how to access the parents portal to book their appointment and access the meeting.

We fully understand that some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families. We liaise with parents through the child's support for learning teacher to identify the most appropriate way to support those pupils that suits the needs of the individual.

Self-isolation arrangements

When pupils return to school we may still have the situation where a pupil has to self-isolate. If the child is not feeling unwell they are expected to follow their timetable and either access the lesson via Teams and should message their teacher on the first day of isolation to inform them they need to connect via Teams or if home circumstances make that difficult they will liaise with their teacher by email.  The work will be available on the school VLE Frog and can be submitted for feedback via Frog or teacher email.

February 5th 2021

Ellesmere College - Covid Risk Assessment

Our updated COVID Whole School Risk Assessment December 21 2020 has been published and can be accessed here:

COVID Whole School Risk Assessment

December 21 2020

Ellesmere College: Back to School September 2020

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