b'Jebb Scholarship recipient revealedCongratulations to Josh Millington, who hasweekends and evenings to helping young people to do joined the College from Lakelands Academyactivities usually unavailable to them, such as sailing, caving as the first Jebb Scholar, in recognition of hisand mountaineering. I am thrilled to be awarded the Jebb Scholarship and think it will allow me so many amazing selfless support to the community. opportunities. Said Josh, I hope to fully engage myself in every opportunity available to me and take away lots of incredible experiences, knowledge and friendships. I am looking forward to studying A Levels and becoming more involved in sport. Im extremely interested in pursuing a career in the RAF, so the Combined Cadet Force at Ellesmere College really appealed to me. Eglantyne Jebbs great-great nephew Richard Jebb, offered warm congratulations to Josh and said: I am delighted to hear that Ellesmere College has set up a scholarship in Eglantynes name.The Jebb Scholarship honours Ellesmere born EglantyneHer lifes work was all about permitting children - Jebb, celebrating 100 years since she founded Save theregardless of their background, religion or nationality - to Children with her sister Dorothy.reach their full potential, and this scholarship embodies her ideals in a very tangible fashion. It is also very welcome that Applicants for the scholarship were invited to demonstratea school located less than a mile from her birthplace and their support and commitment to the community throughwith which she would have been personally familiar has volunteering, community projects, or raising money forbeen able to set this up in the centenary year of Save the local charities. Josh is a Scout Young Leader, giving hisChildrens foundation.Duke of Edinburgh ExpeditionsExpo week is often the highlight of the Michaelmas Term for all year groups at Ellesmere - and although most of this years activities were curtailed somewhat, the Year 13 students on the Duke of Edinburghs Award Gold canoeing practice were able to get out and enjoy some time on the river! Resilience, team work and some very wet socks saw the students through their three day training session on the river! Vice-Captain of RugbyJoe PatmoreEllesmere College Newsletter Michaelmas 20209'