b'Academic Examination ResultsThe summer of 2020 was a stressful time for all students expecting examination results. All exams were cancelled nationwide due to the closure of schools with teaching staff using a set of criteria to set suggested grades for each student. The grades were then processed through an algorithm set by the government and grades set from this. Upon the release of the A Level results it was apparent that the system was unfair and illogical and didnt reflect the students capabilities accurately. The government decided fairly quickly that the gradesoutcome for the BTEC Extended Diploma by Ellesmere would be replaced by those that teachers had suggestedstudents is equivalent to ABB at A level.but during the time this took, some students had alreadyThe A level results were equally impressive with 100% lost their places at first choice universities. However, thepass rate and routes secured to university by those who reversal of grades was very much welcomed and studentschose it. A number of students secured impressive A*/A in once again celebrated an excellent year of results. all subjects and destinations include Music at Cambridge The 2020 Ellesmere International Baccalaureate (IB) results(Homerton College), Medicine at Birmingham, Chemistry saw 100% pass rate with 57% achieving 30 or more points. Theat Birmingham, Classics at Durham, Law at Cardiff, pass level to gain the full diploma is 24 points, with an awardMathematics at Imperial College London and Bath, Music at over 30 points being equivalent of A*AA grades at A Level.the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Physiotherapy The BTEC group of six students, who opted to completeat Liverpool, Philosophy at Newcastle, and Product Design the Extended Diploma - equal to 3 A Levelsalso achievedEngineering at Nottingham University.a 100% pass rate. Over 50% of grades achieved were atGCSE results saw a 94% pass rate with 46% of grades in Distinction star or Distinction with one student attaining thethe top 9-7 range (A*/A). There were some particularly highest mark possible, three Distinction Stars. The averageimpressive performances in the 9/8 (A*/A) band. Cambridge University place is music to Ambers earsRecent Year 13 Leaver, Amber Coxill, has won a place at Cambridge University to pursue her dream of a career in Music.Ambers dream of studying at Cambridge was briefly put on hold, however, after the recent A Level controversy saw her results marked down and her Cambridge place rejected - a situation which was resolved after an anxious seven day wait.Im so happy to be going to Cambridge, its been my dream for a long time. I visited the university on a trip when I was in Year 10 and ever since Ive been desperate to go, Im over the moon, she said. There was a concern over my A Level results but I finally got the correct CAG grades and was accepted into Homerton College - it was a horrible time but Im glad it all got sorted out.Over the summer Amber also celebrated winning third place in the National Flash Fiction Youth Competition organised by the University of Chester with her composition Thursday - an emotive story about a couples life journey after their chance meeting in a cafe.Ellesmere College featured strongly in this years competition with two students being Highly Commended - Leo Buckle, Year 12, for his composition Shopping and Alixandra Heasmer-Jones, Year 11, for her story The Games.Ambers composition can be read by visiting: National Flash Fiction Youth CompetitionEllesmereCollellesmerecollellesmere_college6'