b'The ArtsMariella heads for the limelightI have auditioned for the NYT for the last three years - so you might say its third time lucky, said Mariella, I did my first audition at 15, and this made me realise that there is a lot of competition and its difficult to be offered a place. Some people have had several attempts to get in and many never make it at all.Im really excited about it but disappointed that the three-week course due to take place in London wont be happening as planned because of the Covid-19 pandemic. There will be a weeks Zoom course which I will be attending and hopefully the physical course will go ahead later.The NYT put on productions in the West End, at Edinburgh Fringe and on continental tours, offering great opportunities - its all very exciting.A Drama and Music Scholar is living her dream afterBeing accepted by the BYMT is also a great honour and being accepted by both the National Youth TheatreIm hoping Cabaret Macabre will be able to go ahead as and the British Youth Musical Theatre companies. planned in Plymouth later in the year. Its a creative new Acceptance to the National Youth Theatre (NYT) opens theshow with an all-female cast and is being staged as part of door for Year 12 student, Mariella Steele, to the possibilityMayflower 400 - celebrations marking the 400th anniversary of performing in Londons West End, the Edinburgh Fringeof the Mayflowers historic voyage to the New World.Festival and on the companys continental tours. The BritishRachel Schubert, Director of Drama, said: This is fantastic Youth Musical Theatre (BYMT) place will see Mariella appearnews. I am delighted for Mariella and know there will be in an innovative all-female production of Cabaret Macabre inexciting times ahead in relation to both NYT and BYMT. Plymouth later this year - depending on the Covid-19 situation.Both are very difficult to get into and competition for places Both theatre companies are difficult to get into as competitionis very high, Mariella has done very well indeed - she should for places is tough and standards are extremely high. be very proud of herself.Top award received for Arts provisionWe are delighted to have been re-accredited with our second Artsmark Platinum Award for our continued commitment to providing high quality arts and cultural experiences for pupils in and around the community.Arts Council England, praised Ellesmere for continually developing creative partnerships with many organisations and local schools. Providing assistance with performances and involving schools in a variety of music, drama, dance and art related activities.With these organisations, College pupils have held a range of creative arts workshops, music concerts, storytelling sessions and have also raised money for a broad range of charities including the British Red Cross and Hope House charities.Rachel Schubert, Director of Drama at Ellesmere College, said she was delighted with the award. Were very excited about being awarded Arts Mark Platinum Status for the second time in succession. Having received Platinum Status initially in 2015 - and as the only independent school in the country to be awarded it - our re-submission has been an ongoing focus for all the Arts subjects since. We have consistently worked in partnership to provide young people from a number of different schools - as well as our ownthese amazing opportunities to experience extended projects in Art, Dance, Drama, Music and Media outside our own school gates in the community.Artsmark said Ellesmere College had successfully engaged staff and parents in artistic performances and concerts and that the number of pupils engaging with arts and cultural activities is ever increasing year on year impacting on student wellbeing, development and understanding of the world around them.Our new Arts brochure can be accessed via the College website.EllesmereCollellesmerecollellesmere_college10'