b'The Ellesmerian ClubChairmans updateGreetings to all Old Ellesmerians wherever you are.What strange times we all now live in! I was reminded ofIt is sad that we have not been able to hold any of this somewhat forcibly yesterday when I laid a wreath onour normal functions in 2020 and it currently appears behalf of the Club and its members at the War Memorialimpossible to even guess when we can restart them, but outside Chapel. The timing may seem strange but thererest assured we will and hopefully there will be increased is unfortunately no Remembrance Service this year withattendance when they do - absence makes the heart grow England entering its second lockdown on the 5th November. fonder! We will keep you updated via the newsletters.The Club has been busy, however, over the summer break with a number of projects sponsored by us being completed. These include completion of the cloisters stained glass windows project, a new, additional altar in the Lady Chapel, a further tablet erected at the War Memorial and a new display cabinet outside dining room. I know the College is very grateful for our support in projects like these and several members of staff caught up with me during the various installations to thank the Club.I mentioned that as a Club we need to evolve and as part of this we need to know what the membership would like from us in the future and what they do not like about the present. Over the next few months, we will be sending out short surveys to try to gauge the enthusiasm for the Club and its activities both current and future. I will publish further details of these shortly.We have a very committed Executive Committee whose support and activities ensure the Club flourishes. I am keen to expand this so if anyone would like to be involved please get in touch!If anybody wishes to contact me about any aspect of the Club please feel free to contact me by email: r.j.thurgood@btinternet.com or write to me care of I write this to introduce myself as the new ChairmanThe External Relations Office at the College.following on from Peter Leakes productive stint in this roleStay safe.and his retirement to take on a similar challenge elsewhere.Kind Regards For all those who dont know who I am - I joined theRichard ThurgoodEllesmere Community at the age of 13 in 1968, one of the 60 odd pupils starting their journey through College in Ian Beers final year as Headmaster when everything was reopening after the firea new chapel, new dining room and new dayrooms for some of the Houses including my own, Woodard. I have served on the OE Executive for over 35 years in a variety of roles including Treasurer for about 17 years!The Club has changed massively over this time as both society and the desires of the membership have changed, but it remains one of the strongest ex-pupil societies in the country. We must continue to evolve in this ever-changing world, and I see my role as helping to facilitate this over the next few years before passing the baton to a younger member.EllesmereCollellesmerecollellesmere_college16'