b'The EDGE Lecture SeriesThe EDGE career talks got off to a flying startthis term when Alex Lovn (Wakeman-Lambart 2004),founder and CEO of Net World Sports, came to Ellesmere to speak to students about his experiences creating and running a global business. Alex delivered a most inspirationaland thought-provoking talk, giving students an insight into the key elements of a business. Our next speaker was President of the OE Club, generation can gain from their expertise and experience, Dr Robert Russell (Talbot 1974). Robert discussed thecreating mentoring and work experience opportunitieseffectiveness of positive mindset and setting goals. in many professional fields.Students were given sheets where they jotted down Offered to all Sixth Form and Year 11 students,their goals and, with Roberts help, mapped out the The EDGE takes place on Wednesday evenings at steps needed to achieve them.7.00pma 45 minute lecture including a 20-30 minute Our final speaker of the term was SAC Ryan Morleypresentation, with an opportunity to ask questions of(Wakeman-Lambart 2012). Ryan works as an Intelligencethe speaker.Analyst for the RAF. Through the last 5 years Ryan hasThe programme has proven to be very successful since found himself in the middle of key world events.it started in 2012. Students have had the opportunity to He talked about his experiences and how, despite oftensee and speak to OEs and parents of many professions being the youngest person in the room, he has influencedincluding an Oscar winning Film Editor, a Barrister andthe decisions of key decision makers, including the QC, a Royal Marine, the MD of Citibank London andPrime Minister.many more. Designed as just one element of Ellesmeres LeadershipIf you would be interested in attending a lectureand Entrepreneurship Programme, The Edge Lecturesor might be keen to offer a talk on your careerare designed to give our students a helping hand whenor business, please contact Olivia Beckett:entering the world of university and work. By connectingolivia.beckett@ellesmere.com / 01691 626541.to the 5000 Old Ellesmerians worldwide, the younger Ellesmere College Newsletter Michaelmas Term 201919'