b'Remembrance Service andOld Ellesmerian LunchOn Sunday 10th November the Chapel was filled with Old Ellesmerians, staff and students, who gathered at the College to remember those who lost their lives in theThe Ellesmerian Club Chairman, Peter Leake, laid a two World Wars, and subsequent conflicts.wreath at the Memorial Wall along with CCF Contingent In a very moving service, the names of the many OldCommander, Martin Clewlow and Head Boy and Girl, Ellesmerians who lost their lives serving their countriesWill Davies and Charlie-Anne Williams.were read out to the congregation. Sixth Form student,The service was followed by a three course lunchAmber Coxill, played the Last Post before a two minuteand a tour of the Collegekindly delivered bysilence which was followed by the Reveille. the College Archivist, Paul Russell.EllesmereCollellesmerecoll ellesmere_college16'