b'OE Stephen BannisterRun for 30When Old Ellesmerian and ex-Royal Marine, Stephenhis challenge. A celebratory dinner was held at Rudding Bannister (Meynell 2006), turned 30 in September 2018,Park where Stephen announced that he had exceeded he set himself the gruelling challenge of raising 30k forhis target.the Armed Forces charity Help for Heroes. We have done it! Donations are still coming in but He set up a campaign called Run for 30, where hethe total currently stands at a huge 34,800 for Help pledged to enter 30 endurance events over a period offor Heroes, he said. I would like to say thank you to 12 months, a minimum of two events a month, with theeveryone who has shown their support and belief inaim of raising 30k for his chosen charity. The eventsme and the campaign this past 13 months. This monthincluded a series of half marathons, marathons, mud runsI will be visiting Phoenix House, Catterick, to presentand even an Ironman triathlon in Sweden. a cheque for the final amount.On 13th October, 2019, Stephen completed his 30thStephen will be starting a new campaign in 2020event, running the Manchester half marathon, completingcalled Run for Heroeswatch this space!Lower School 20th AnniversaryThe afternoon tea on Friday 15 November included former Lower School Heads, present pupils, their teachers and guests, with music for the occasionprovided by the Lower School Orchestra. A junior section has been in place at the College for more than 50 years, but it was not until 1999 that a dedicated building and play area was created on thesame site as the Senior School for students aged 7-13. Sharon Owen, Head of Lower School, said: It was a memorable celebration to mark our 20th anniversary. It was lovely to see so many people there; the tea was amazing, enjoyed by all and everyone wanted a lookat the letter from the Princess Royal.The 20th anniversary of the Lower School at EllesmereThe College has seen a number of innovative College was celebrated this week with a special tea and developments over the years in Lower School, which a letter of congratulations from the Princess Royal. play an integral role in the life of the Collegeit is a launchpad for pupils to successfully take the next steps Princess Anne, accompanied by Algernon Heber-Percy,on their all-important academic, artistic and sporting the Lord Lieutenant of Shropshire, officially openededucational journey which ultimately sets them upLower School 20 years ago and the 20 year anniversaryfor life after school.letter from the her was given pride of place at For more information on the Lower Schoolthe celebrations. at Ellesmere College please visit: Ellesmere Lower SchoolEllesmereCollellesmerecoll ellesmere_college18'