b'Ellesmere College Hosts School Games Finalsfor Local Primary Schools!Ellesmere College was proud to host the NorthThe final day of competition focused on indoor Athletics, Shropshire School Games Finals last term, whereand featured a variety of activities such as long jump and a number of local primary schools competedrelay races. Each schools team was divided into three against each other across three sports on threegroups: Boys, Girls and Sports Ability - an initiative that consecutive days for a place in the County Finals! increases the opportunities and extends provisions for people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities School Games is a government-led programme with more(SEND). Hodnet and Bryn Offa were the two strongest than 17,500 registered schools - including Ellesmere College.teams, but it was Longlands that came out on top in the Their mission is to keep competitive sport at the heartSports Ability group!of schools and to provide more young people with theThroughout the three days, Ellesmere College and local opportunity to compete and succeed in a variety of sports. secondary school students were directly involved in the The first day of competition saw five local schools competemanaging and officiating of competitions, and were essential in the Netball tournament. After an impressive set ofin the smooth-running of activities and helped provide a performances, Cheswardine Primary School came out onwonderful experience for all young people involved!top with the most victories and secured their place in the County Finals!The following day, the Hockey tournament took place on the Ellesmere College Astroturf with an implemented knockout system and saw two finalists qualify. Oswestryand Addmore schools made it to the final - but it was Oswestry that was victorious! Addmore have still qualified and will be playing again.Arts Award Students Strike Gold for Charity!event with support from the Ellesmere Arts Centre Technical Team, Music Department and other College departments. Performances were delivered by all ages of students from the Lower School to Sixth Form!The Lower School Dance Club performed a lively version of Warriors of the Earth, and other Lower School students demonstrated their talents and confidences with performances including piano, singing, cello, acting and individual dance recitals. The Senior School bought a mix of performances from well known productions including I Know Him So Well, and from classical flute - Flute-Konzert in D major, 1st and 2nd movement by Stamitzto the modern chartsMake You Feel My Love by Adele! All in all a wonderful evening of entertainment! Gold Arts Award students Amy Storey-Gibbons, All proceeds and Year 11, and Mariella Steele, Year 12, were donations from the delighted to be able to present a cheque for 126evening went to Hope to Lynsey Kilvert from Hope House & T GobaithHouse Childrens Hospice following the CRE8 performance at the College. in Oswestrya charity supporting over 750 local The CRE8 Arts Showcase evening celebrates creativity acrossfamilies who are either a full range of the Arts disciplines at Ellesmere where studentscaring for a terminally ill can perform any type of material that helps them to developchild or whos child has their confidence as young performers. Amy and Mariellasadly passed away. Visit: organised, directed and produced the event as part of their Arts Award Gold Leadership element and managed the wholewww.hopehouse.org.ukEllesmere College Newsletter Lent Term 20209'