b'The ArtsSymphony of SuccessEllesmere Students Win at Oswestry Youth Music FestivalEllesmere College have once again dominated at the annualTony Coupe, Director of Music at Ellesmere College, said: We Oswestry Youth Music Festival 2020. have had tremendous success at the Oswestry Youth Music They took a total number of 22 first places, 24 second placesFestival, in terms of overall prizes in recent years. It reflects the and 11 third places at the festival with five students reachinghard work and dedication of our students and staff in always the finals on the Sunday.The event is organised by Oswestrystriving for the highest possible standards. We congratulate Town Council to showcase the best young musicians acrossthem all on another hugely successful festival.Shropshire, Cheshire, Wrexham and North and Mid Wales. The festival not only enables students to perform at a This years week-long festival saw competitions take place atprestigious event but also to listen to others and obtain the Hermon Chapel, Christchurch and Holy Trinity Churchvaluable feedback that will support their musical development. in the town. The festival has been running for over 40 yearsThis years results reinforce Ellesmere Colleges reputation as and competitions cover a full range of vocal, instrumental anda first class school for music. Our thanks go to Sue Turner and ensemble music. Many past winners have gone on to successfulthe Town Council for organising another successful festival.musical careers.Congratulations to Josh Norris, Freddie Heasmer-Jones, Noah Fisher, Emily Ashley and Jack Arrowsmith who all reached the finals on Sunday, and to Harry Fradley (Old Ellesmerian) for winning the Oswestry Town Council Cup in the Senior Finals.Lights, Camera, Action! A group of Year 10 students visited Wrexham Glyndwr University for a creative media taster day where they were given the chance to sample some of the technology on hand for students studying creative media courses at the University - and to use it to make their own productions.The group were given an introduction to the world of visual effects by lecturer Steve Jarvis, who showed them how television and film productions are being transformed through the use of technology. They were also given the opportunity to use Glyndrs BBC-standard television production suite under the guidance of lecturer Steffan Owens, who helped the pupils film and edit interviews with their teachers to demonstrate the use of the facilitys cameras, production desk and more.Margaret Hutchings, Head of Karen McGowan, Wrexham Glyndr University RecruitmentMedia Studies added: We were and Liaison Officer, added: Students on Wrexham Glyndrreally grateful to the Glyndr Universitys creative media courses get to use some of theteaching staff, who really inspired latest technology on their courseswith new degrees, such asour students to think about the our recent BSc in Visual Effects, being added all the time. Thiscareer possibilities offered by the visit was a chance for Ellesmere Colleges media students tocreative industries, and who made get a taste of some of those experiences themselves - and tothe workshops fun and informative. hear more about some of the ways our students get to useIt was an invaluable experience for their studies in careers in film, television and more. them to experience the excellent It was a packed morning of activities, and the first visit byproduction facilities offered by students from Ellesmere College to the university. We hopethe university, and it has certainly they had a great day, and we look forward to working with thegiven them an insight into the College in the coming months to help develop their pupilspossibilities for higher level studyinterest in studying towards a career in the creative industries. in this sector.EllesmereCollellesmerecoll ellesmere_college10'