b'GlobalPratham Continues MUN Successwith UAMUNC ConferencePratham Manchanda, a Year 13 student of Politics, Economics and Chemistry, has added to his long and successful record of Model United Nations (MUN) conferences with his participation in the 2019 United Ambassadors Model United Nations Conference (UAMUNC).United Ambassadors is a worldwide educational organisation who arrange conferences, and are directly associated with the United Nations; they organise two annual conferences - New York and Geneva. The conferences utilise the same procedures that occur in real United Nations conferences, and feature real UN Ambassadors as guest speakers. In addition, delegations from countries across the world such as Ghana, Pakistan, South Africa, Dubai, etc, present at the conferences. As part of the academic team, Pratham was appointed theposition of Secretary of GA 3, and his role involved ensuring that the committee were following legitimate procedures and were being properly moderated.Pratham found out about UAMUNC via a group that promotes MUN conferences on-line, and in order to be appointed to the role, he had to go through several rounds of online interviews where he was competing with thousands of other applicants.Reflecting on the experience, Pratham said: To achieve this position, I had to have a lot of MUN experience and had to possess a lot of knowledge about the UN in general. However, even after four years of MUNs, I was pretty new in terms of procedure and we all had to be trained online to make sure everything occurred as closely as possible to how it does in the UN.Model United Nations has always appealed to me because of its opportunities to discuss varied topics of global concern. I enjoy the intensive research into other countries foreign policies and meeting fellow, likeminded Sixth Form students from all over the world.Pratham has now been a part of 40 MUN conferences both as a delegate and a chair in a number of countries. This has provided him with significant development in public speaking, leadership skills, negotiation and organisational skills, alongside a direct experience in diplomacy, all of which has been a great boost to his confidence. His positive reputation within the MUN circuit could lead to more potential involvement in events organised by the UA and their partnered organisations.Going Dutch! A perspective on universities in the NetherlandsWith its affordable living costs, global outlook,faculty of Business and Economics. She said: excellent transport links and renownedMaastricht is ideally located in Southern universities, the Netherlands remains anHolland, with good transport links to attractive destination for undergraduateBelgium, Germany and the North-East of studies. Two Upper Sixth students recentlyFrance. It was therefore not surprising that travelled to the Netherlands to take part inthe 30 fellow applicants I spent the day university open days. with hailed from Germany, Luxemburg, A level Student Patrick Crowe, who plansBelgium, Spain and France as well as from to read Linguistics, visited Amsterdamthe Netherlands. Faculty staff at Maastricht University and Leiden University. He said:were international, too, and enjoyed showing Not only is Leiden one of the highest- us the impressive university facilities and the ranked Dutch universities, but one of thecity of Maastricht. I enjoyed attending several modules offered as part of the Linguisticstutorials where we conducted economic degree is called descriptive Linguistics whichresearch in small groups for presentation to is an area I am extremely interested in, soa larger audience in the afternoon. We also I have applied for this course. Leiden is adebated the economic impact of the latest very pretty and cosmopolitan city with apolitical developments on the European and global outlook. I plan to find a suitable flat toglobal landscape. This experience gave me share with likeminded students, as campusa great insight into student life and I would accommodation in Leiden is quite rare, so recommend these university experience days in addition to my course taught in English, to all other young economists interested in I may even learn Dutch as part of theglobal perspectives.university experience. I look forward toHead of Sixth Form, Dr Tom Gareh, experiencing another country and culturecommented: It is wonderful to see our not too far away from home. students looking at the wider opportunities Meanwhile, IB student and Prefect, Paulaavailable to them once they leave ourLotze, attended a university experienceSixth Form. They are role models forday offered by Maastricht Universitysa bright future.EllesmereCollellesmerecoll ellesmere_college14'