Peter Heath (Talbot 2002 - 2007)
After he left Ellesmere, Peter went to the University of Southampton and graduated with a Masters of Geology degree in 2010. Peter is now working temporarily as an intern within the Exxon-Mobil Corporation oil exploration department in Surrey. While at university he continued his interest in Scuba diving and also took up caving.
Last year he and four fellow geologists at Southampton represented their university in the annual AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) oil exploration competition, the Barrel Award, winning the European heat before going to Houston, Texas for the finals. Peter’s team came second, earning the university a prestigious award.
In December 2011 he helped raise over £3000 for charity by taking part in the Grim Challenge, an 8 mile run through mud at the Army Tank course near Aldershot.
5th October 2012 Back to Where are they now?