Lt Col Richard Jones (Lambart 1979-1984)
Even a brief overview of Richard's CV tells you that careers are no longer straight lines, from working on the family farm to winning the 'Best Officer Cadet' at Sandhurst at the age of 19 - to starting his army career as a Platoon Commander with the Ghurkha Rifles and with two terms in Afghanistan under his belt. During which time Richard managed to complete 6 year online degree in History and Humanities with Birmingham University.
Richard had a spell in the West Mercia Police Force, where he has worked in various roles in both CID and uniform, trained as an armed response officer and worked as a Detective on the Murder Investigation Squad. More recently embarking on a Masters degree in War Studies with King's College London, Richard completed this in 2012 and still found time to get married to Louise in 2008. In 2013 he returned to the Regular Army to run the Employer Engagement team for the Midlands.
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