Archival Record of College Staff


1884 Canon The Rev. Edward Clarke Lowe, DD
1891 Prebendary The Rev. Henry Meynell
1896 Prebendary The Rev. Arthur Henry Talbot, MA
1927 The Ven. The Hon. H. E. Lambart, MA, TD
1947 The Rev. Canon R.C. Mortimer, MA, DD
1950 The Rt. Rev. R. L. Hodson, MA , Bishop of Shrewsbury
1960 The Rt. Rev W.A. Parker, MA, Bishop of Shrewsbury
1967 The Rev. W. R. Derry, MA
1980 The Rev. Canon K.R. Wilkes, MA, FBIM
1994 The Rev. Canon W. Weaver, BA, BD
2003 The Rev. S.C. Harvey, MA, FRSA
2007 The Rev. Canon B.D. Clover, MA, FRSA, LTCL
2021 The Rev. Justin White


1884 Sir Offley Wakeman
1929 Sir Offley Wakeman, BT, CBE, DL, JP
1971 Col. S.M. Hollway, CBE, MC, TD, DL
1982 R.E. Angell-James, FCA
1992 N.E.E. Stephens
1999 Mrs P.C. Griffith, Barrister at Law
2013 J.A. Mathias
2017 C.E. Lillis

Senior positions in Common Room


1884 The Rev. J. Bullock, MA
1890 The Rev. J. Harrison, MA
1894 The Rev. R. Beviss Thompson, MA
1903 The Rev. E. Iliff Robson, MA
1907 The Rev. H. Woolsey
1910 The Rev. T.H. Hedworth, MA
1927 The Rev. Dr. A.V. Billen, MA, DD, Ph.D
1935 The Rev. R.A. Evans-Prosser, MA
1961 I.D.S. Beer, MA
1969 D.J. Skipper, MA
1981 F.E. Maidment, MA
1988 D.R. DuCroz, MA
1996 B.J. Wignall, BA, MA, MCMI, FRSA
2024 Mrs S.V. Pritt-Roberts, B.Ed., M.Ed. (Actg)


1884 The Rev. H. Poole King
1887 The Rev. E.B. Layard
1892 The Rev. W.T. Kerry
1892 The Rev. T.E. Stevens
1905 The Rev J.W. Rodgers
1910 The Rev. R.H. Phillips
1914 The Rev D. Cooper
1916 The Rev. T.H. Hennessy
1916 The Rev. A.W.G. Murphy
1917 The Rev. C. Whitworth
1918 The Rev. W.R.H. Cosens
1925 The Rev. H. St. J.P Warren
1925 The Rev G.E. Cope
1928 The Rev. S.M. Hawkins
1930 The Rev. E.E.F. Walters, MA 
1936 The Rev. S.H. Sharpe
1944 The Rev. L.J. Derrett, BA 
1945 The Rev S. Catling
1963 The Rev. M.W.H. Gray, MA
1992 The Rev. J.C. Vernon, B.Sc (Eng)
1999 The Rev. T.J. Harvey, BA
2003 The Rev. C.D. Brown, MA 
2005 The Rev. R.E. Williams, M.Ed
2008 The Rev. D.A. Slim, M.Ed
2015 The Rev. P.J. Gration BA

Second Master

1934 C. Howard, LA
1967 G.B. Jackson, B.Sc
1970 V.H. Howard, B.Sc
1974 The Hon M.C. Penney, MA
1980 H.R. Hill, MA, FIL
1992 J.M. Marshall, B.Sc

Deputy Heads

2002 - 2003 Mrs C.S. Newbold, BA
2002 - 2013 M.D.T Sampson, B.Sc (Pastoral)
2003 - * Mrs S.V. Pritt-Roberts, B.Ed (Academic)
2013 - * Dr R. Chatterjee, B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D (Pastoral)
2019 - * S.B. Mullock, BA (External Relations)

Senior Mistress & Head of Lower School

1997 - 2000 Mrs C.S. Newbold, BA

Head of Lower School

2000 (*) N.A. Price, BA
2006 W.J. Hutchings, B.Ed
2009 Mrs S. Owen, B.Ed

Senior Tutor

1969 D.G.M. Jones, MA
1974 D.T. Walker, B.Sc

Director of Studies

1986 J.M. Marshall, B.Sc
1992 M.D.T. Sampson, B.Sc
2002 Mrs. S.V. Pritt-Roberts, M.Ed

Director of Music

In the early years from 1884, the successive Chaplains, The Rev. H. Poole King (1884-1887) and The Rev. E.B. Layard (1887-1892) ran the Choir assisted by T.C. Whittle who was initially Boy Organist and then as an O.E. and later as The Rev. T.C. Whittle became at sometime prior to 1895 the first Music Master.  It is recorded (the recollections of C.H. Lea O.E., Page 16 of "Fifty Years of Ellesmere") that Whittle in 1889 founded the Choral Society.  He was followed, on the dates below successively by :- 

1895 F.W. Evans
1903 C.H. Smith
1905 C. Weston
1909 W.S. Stratton
1910 K.J. Miller
1915 J.H. Righton
1919 J.M.G. Gray
1925 N.F. Byng-Johnson
1938 N.W. Frayling
1947 R.A.L. Lumley
1973 A.E.D. Dowlen
1978 P.C. Spicer
1984 N.A.J. Harper
1987 P.B.C. Larley
1990 C.H. Deakin
2002 J.M. Whittaker
2005 R.C. Paul
2013 A. Coupe

Dormitory and Housemasters

These lists are incomplete.  Pupils were allocated to dormitories until the House system was introduced in 1928.  Scarcely any information is available from the 'Ellesmerian' on the subject, especially prior to 1934, and Housemasters were not entered in the Calendar until the early 1930s.  For the early years the dates have been omitted as it is equally impossible to tell when appointments were made.

Dormitories prior to 1928

Reds - From 1928 "Meynell House"

The Headmaster's House until 1930, after which it was run by the Chaplain.

1930 1936 The Rev. E.E.F. Walters, MA
1936 1937 Capt. W.F. Watkins MC, MA
1937 1942 F.B. Field MA, B.Sc
1942 1952 J.M. Feist, MA
1952 1955 F.J. Tippett, B.Sc
1955 1972 F.E. Sutterby, MA
1972 1979 J.C. Wolters, MA
1979 1986 J.M. Marshall, B.Sc
1986 2001 M.D.T. Sampson, B.Sc
2002 2005 A.G. McClure, BA
2005 2007 Dr J.K. Ripley, B.Sc, Ph.D
2007 2012 I.L. Roberts, BA
2012 2017 T.D. Hurst, B.Eng
2017 2018 G.S. Macdonald, B.Sc
2018 D. Bottom, BA, MA

Blues - From 1928 "Talbot House"

From 1884 until 1928 this dormitory was under the charge of W. Hack, H. Hare, T.H. Hedworth, C.E. Andrews, J. Poole A. Saxelbye, G.E. Cope, S.M. Hawkins and C. Howard.

19xx 1962 C. Howard, MA
1962 1966 M.J. Stewart, MA
1966 1980 H.R. Hill, MA, FIL
1980 1992 B.W. Poll, BA
1992 1999 The House ceased to exist whilst the major refurbishment scheme at the School was underway.
1999 2004 G. Hutchinson, MA
2004 2010 Dr. R. Chatterjee, B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D
2010 2012 L.C. Bambridge, BA
2012 Mrs A.S. Done, H.D.

Yellows - From 1928 "Wakeman House"

From 1884 until 1928 this dormitory was under the charge of C.E. Laytham, E. Forster, A.S. Webster, S.C.M. Isbister, H. Smith, W.W.J. Carl and R.W. Beresford.

1916 1934 R.W. Beresford
1934 1941 K.G. Todd, MA
1941 1942 J.M. Feist, MA
1942 1946 G.B. Jackson, B.Sc
1946 1947 K.G. Todd, MA
1947 1966 G.B. Jackson, B.Sc
1966 1973 B. Hooton, B.Sc
1973 1983 P.B. Privett, B.Sc
1983 1996 P.A. Wood, MA
In 1996 the House combined with Lambart House, to be known as Wakeman/Lambart.
1996 2000 P.A. Wood, MA
2000 2004 M.P. Clewlow, B.Sc
2004 2013 Dr M.T. Gareh, B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D., C.Sci., C.Chem., MRSC.
2013 D.W. Crawford, MA, M.Sc, M.Phil, M.Ed

Violets - From 1928 "Woodard House"

From 1884 until the late 1930s this dormitory was under the charge of B.R. Hibbert, AW. Davies, D.R. Evans, A. Saxelbye, H.P. Pestle, W.R.H. Cosens, T.E. Kenny and P.A. Hall.

1929 1939 P.A. Hall, BA
1939 1947 W.W.H. Frayling, FRCO
1947 1962 Lt. Col J. Hunter Watts, CBE, BA
1962 1977 N.R. Ainscow, MA
1977 1994 K.J. Shuttleworth, MA
1994 2002 D.W. Reffell, BA
2002 2003 J.H. Cowley, B.Sc
2003 2018 C.R. Davies, BA
2018 Dr. R.J. Hansford, B.Sc, M.Sc, MA, Ph.D

Junior House

1927 1935 E.T. Stealey, MA
1935 1939 J.W. Nankivell, BA
1939 1942 J.R. Long
1942 1952 H.P. Cooper, MA
1952 1963 R.E. Birkett, BA
1963 1964 R.J. England

At the end of the summer Term 1964 the Junior School closed, Prestfelde having become Ellesmere's Prep. School.  However, a Junior House continued under Mr. Bigland for a decreasing number of remaining boys (with its Dayroom near the Surgery and its Dormitory in 'The Barn') until the end of Summer Term 1965.

More recent times...

Lower School

Form I , the precursor to the Lower School, came into being in September 1976.  In 1983 it was recognised as the 'Lower School'.

1983 1984 W.C. Newbold, BA
1984 1986 J.L. Wickson, BA
1986 2000 C.S. Newbold, BA
2000 - N. Price, MA

Lambart House

This House came into being in 1964.  In 1996 it combined with Wakeman House to form a new entity known as Wakeman/Lambart'.

1964 1970 V.H. Howard, B.Sc
1970 1986 J.M. Scorer, MA
1986 1994 S.F.W. Purcell, BA
1994 1996 M.P. Clewlow, B.Sc

Derry House

This Dayboys house came into being in 1980, closing in 1999.

1980 1984 P.J.N. Knowles, BA
1984 1986 J.A. Rhind, MA
1986 1994 A.F. Thomson, B.Sc
1995 1999 G. Hutchinson, MA

Saint Houses

St. Oswald's House

This House was established in 1984, all girls previously being allocated a boarding House to which they were 'attached'.  From 1996 it has been regarded as the 'senior ' girls house.

1984 1988 R.T. Parker, B.Ed
1988 1989 J.M. Marshall, B.Sc
1989 1992 G. Hutchinson, MA
1992 2004 C.H. Deakin, ARCM
2004 2007 Mrs P.M. Fox, BA
2007 2013 Mrs J.E. Purcell, BA
2013 Mr & Mrs J. Underhill, MA

St. Aidans

This House came into being in 1996 as a junior girls house.

1996 2000 Mrs. D.J. Clewlow, B.Sc
2000 2003 Mr & Mrs M.R.D. Stone, BA
2003 2005 Mrs Z.J. Fisher, BA
2005 2006 Mrs S.K. Munden
2006 2009 Mrs J. Cowan, Cert.Ed, NEWI, Dip Sp.L.D., AMBDA
2009 2013 Mrs J. Heath, Cert.Ed, NEWI, Dip Sp.L.D., AMBDA
2013 Mrs A.S. Done, H.D.

St. John's

This House came into being in 2003 as a junior boys house.

2003 2006 M. Digby, B.Sc
2006 2012 C.C. Cawcutt, H.D.E.
2012 2015 Miss J.K. Smith, BA
2015 2015 Mrs Z.J. Fisher, BA

2015 St. John's closed as a Lower School House and was renamed, and reopened, as "St Hilda's", an additional sixth form girl's boarding house.

St. Hilda's

2015 Mrs Z.J. Fisher, BA

St. Cuthbert's

2003 2011 M.P. Clewlow, B.Sc
2011 2016 I.L. Roberts, BA
2016 S.J. Prescott, BA

St. Patrick's

2003 2004 A.G. McClure, BA
2004 2006 T. Brazier, B.Sc
2006 G. Owen, B.Ed

St. Bede's

2003 2008 G. Hutchinson, MA
2008 D.J. Morgan, B.Sc

St. Luke's

2007 J.J. Baggaley, BA

Since 2003 every student is allocated a traditional Competitive House (Meynell/ Talbot/ Wakeman-Lambart/ Woodard) named after an original family benefactor of the school. Students are also assigned to a Boarding House, named after Saints which makes it easier to remember the difference between the two: Middle School Boarders reside in St Aidan's for girls, and St Patrick's and St Cuthbert's for boys. Sixth Form Boarders reside in St Oswald's and St Hilda's for girls, and St Luke's and St Bede's for boys.

August 2023

Page updated 26/02/2024