Student Support

House Mentors

Sixth Form students are selected as Prefects by staff to represent all our pupils. One of the Prefect's many roles is to help younger or newer students settle in to school life and help with any day to day problems or questions. Selected by the School on their leadership skills this role is ideal for those who want to take on extra responsibility and provide themselves with opportunities which will support their university applications. Head Boy and Head Girl positions are also elected in this way.

Personal Tutors

All students are assigned a personal tutor who is responsible for the academic and social welfare of a particular class. When students have to make academic choices at GCSE, A-Level, IB or for University entrance, they each get individual support and advice from our University Entrance Team. The teachers and staff are always on hand to discuss and advise pupils on any problems or questions they may have.

Student Welfare

Housemasters, Housemistresses and Tutors are responsible for each student's pastoral care. A school nurse looks after our pupils' medical needs. In the event of a more serious medical or dental problem the nurse will arrange for the student to see a doctor or be taken to a hospital.

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