Ellesmere College provides a friendly and warm environment with family values at its heart. Students from many countries are all part of our boarding community, becoming fully involved in school life. Our modern accommodation provides a high quality, comfortable and secure environment for our students, with residential staff on site to tend to the students' needs 24 hours a day.
There is a close liaison between the boarding and teaching staff to ensure a continuity of care at all times. There are a variety of rooms within the boarding house, the majority of which are single and twin, with en-suite options. Wi-Fi internet connection is available throughout the school. Our students also have access to a common room and TV lounge, which offer a comfortable and safe environment in which students can relax.
Home from Home
From the day a child starts at Ellesmere College they are assigned to one of our boarding houses where Housemasters and Housemistresses support the younger and new students. Our long term experience with such a diverse community means that our staff are fully accustomed to welcoming students from overseas, helping them to settle in happily, and to quickly feel at ease with school life.
Within this rich mix of people, students come to see themselves as global citizens who enjoy getting to understand different cultures. Living together at Ellesmere, they engage with each other's language, food and traditions as part of their daily life. Events and projects that involve friendly competition between the Houses build bonds across the school years.
The College provides hot meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner, for all students, ensuring that they benefit from a nutritious and healthy diet every day, including weekends. Our large dining area is the social hub of the school and we make it our duty to ensure a variety of foods are served. In addition there are catering facilities within each boarding house.
Please contact us for more information on: registrar@ellesmere.com