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Experience Ellesmere 360o Tour

Leadership & Employability Skills

Click here to find out more about our programme.

Ellesmere College Organ Scholarship

Sixth Form Entry - Sept 2024

Click here to find out more

Bursaries and Scholarships build on the philanthropy of the past - Securing an education for the future

Arts & Drama
A rich and vibrant cultural life promoted by our Arena Arts programme is essential to the spiritual and creative health of our community

'Outstanding Excellence & Quality of Sports Provision' - Education Business Award Winner

University Excellence
85% of students achieve their first choice place in a wide spectrum of courses and Universities


Welcome to Ellesmere College

Welcome to Ellesmere College - a school which reflects your beliefs and values.

We take pride in the achievements of each and every student according to his or her abilities, not just in the achievements of the brightest and the best. Ellesmere is people centred, not stats obsessed and where academic success is doing the very best you can. We focus on the individual, not on our shop window.

Everyone is valued equally. If a student is outstandingly good at something, that does not make them better than anyone else, we celebrate every child's progress, at every stage.

We seek to embed resilience to overcome difficulties as a partner to enthusiasm when things go as hoped. Ellesmere College takes academic achievement very seriously, as well as the arts, music, drama and sport - we work hard to maintain a balance.  We are a school that believes in High Performance Learning (HPL) – that all pupils have the ability to achieve academic success.

We like students with lots of interests and enthusiasm. Ellesmere College is not a school for narrow specialists. We like students who love to have a go at new things. Ellesmere is not a school for people who hold back.

We relish the rich range of personalities we have here. There is no such person as a typical Ellesmerian. Ellesmere is famously forward looking and innovative. You'll never catch this school clinging to tradition for its own sake or resting on its laurels.

Visit our Ellesmere Experience here.

World Academy of Sport - Athlete-Friendly Education Centre        International Baccalaureate World School - Independent Schools Council        Independent Schools Council Report        HMC - Leading Independent Schools        Arts Council of England - Artsmark Platinum

British Association of Independent Schools with International Students        Boarding Schools' Association        High Performance Learning | World Class School 2021