b'ACADEMIC 05ELLESMERES ASPIRATIONS FOR PUPILS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HIGHER THAN SIMPLY PASSING EXAMINATIONS: HOWEVER VITAL THIS IS, IT IS NOT ENOUGH ON ITS OWN. The world of work calls for more than just good exam results, it calls for qualities of character and personality. At Ellesmere College we develop all of these too.But best-possible grades are an essential passport This is why our enhanced curriculum includes the to success - and hard work is an essential cultivatorInternational Baccalaureate (potentially the equivalent of character.Here, as at any school, getting it right of 6 A levels) alongside conventional A levels. in the classroom matters most. This is why our student support, whether in learning, Some students at Ellesmere are extremely clever. language or our Gifted and Talented programme, That does not make them better people and we dois nationally recognised as excellent. Staffed by not focus on them at the expense of everybody else.specialists, extra support is there for every student We expect all students, however bright, to measurewhenever they need individual guidance. themselves only against the best work of which they are capable, and we celebrate the success of everyThis is why we are also a SAT test centre for those person who tries their hardest - whatever their grades.who want to go to a university in the USA. Our philosophy is that everyone learns differentlyWe choose our teachers carefully.They have to be and that every learning style is a special gift, never in tune with our values: they must value every single a special need.We also know that students developstudent equally and relish the broad range of abilities at different rates and at different times.and gifts they encounter here.Pupils of all ages have excellent attitudes to learning. Independent Schools Inspectorate'